August 13, 2011

"The Canaanite woman did not come to the Lord because she was hungry; she came because her daughter was sick.  But the Lord turned the situation to the matter of eating...Although the woman's request had nothing to do with eating, the Lord purposely related her case to the matter of eating to show us that what we need is not outward washing, but eating for the inward nourishing.  In his doctrinal arrangement Matthew put these matters together that we might understand that for the kingdom of the heavens we do not need outward cleansing, but what we need is for Christ to get into us...The Lord seemed to be saying to the Canaanite woman, 'You don't need healing.  You need Me!  And you do not need me outwardly; you need Me inwardly.  You need to eat Me.  I came as bread for people to eat, to digest, and to assimilate.  I would like to get into your being, into your system, vessels, and fibers.  I would like to get into your very constituent and become you.  Thus, you need to eat Me.  Don't deal with things in an outward way.  Rather, deal with everything in an inward way by taking Me into you.  As long as I can get into you to nourish you, every problem will be solved.'"

Life-Study of Matthew, Chapter 46, Page 551

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