August 17, 2011

"Sometimes when you are out on the street or in your room, thoughts such as these come to you - 'What is the purpose of my life?  What is the Lord getting out of it?' - and it does not dawn upon you that that is the Lord at work within you.  Let me tell you: Those faint registrations in the depths of your being, those slight suggestions you thought were wholly your own because they were so natural - those were the Lord's doing.  The God who hides Himself is at work within your life, but He has hidden Himself so effectively that you have been quite unconscious of His activity.  And He is working outwardly as well as inwardly - in your home, in your business, in all your circumstances.  He is creating many situations and is active in many directions, though He lets you sense nothing of it, until you imagine these things have been just come about naturally; but both the inner and outer conditions of your life are under His control."

A God Who Hides Himself, pg 18-19
Witness Lee

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